Turtle Bay – RedSea Life

Turtle Bay is situated in front of the northern tip of Big Giftun Island close to Fanous East.

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You can reach Turtle Bay by boat from Hurghada. This dive site can be dived into two ways. You can start the dive from the boat and enter the lagoon, cross the wall, explore the coral garden and the small lagoon and go back the same way you came. Or you can make a drift dive and start the dive from the small lagoon and the coral garden, cross the reef wall and explore the lagoon before arriving at the boat.

Turtle Bay consists of countless hills and narrow canyons.

Turtle Bay is known for its beautiful red anemones and a multitude of soft corals.

You enter the dive site through a channel to a lagoon with behind it a beautiful coral garden.

Inside the lagoon, you will find several hard corals with from time to time a parrotfish visiting the lagoon. Lots of snails and moray eels, stonefish, and blue-spotted stingray can be spotted here. The lagoon is about 12 meters deep. You have to cross the reef wall at the end of the lagoon to reach the coral garden filled with fish and corals, so good buoyancy control is certainly not a luxury when diving at Turtle Bay.

If your air consumption is good you can follow the reef on your right side. It will lead you to another small lagoon filled with hard and soft corals. Here and in the garden itself, you may encounter octopus, turtle, stonefish, scorpionfish and sometimes an eagle ray.

On the way back you will see an arrow made out of dead corals and shells showing you the way back.

Diving at Turtle Bay can be a very interesting experience. One can spend a long time here as the place is shallow and the visibility is great. And the views a diver is treated to are vast and amazing. There is no description of the vastness of the field of corals, a vast kingdom of hard corals which a diver should dive at least once.

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